Why You're Here

You have been redirected here because you are either too stupid to cope with the Transfer Window.

In this blog you will have some 'home truths' explained to you.

There is ultimately an opportunity for you to leave this page almost 'born again'. There is a chance that the facts displayed here will sink in and you will discover you can think outside of the bitter little husk of a brain you arrived with.

For the rest of you, this blog will amount to nothing more than a continued exercise in humiliation which you attempt to ignore and disguise to yourself by pointing and naming me as the bad guy.


No. Not in relation to the information. Before then. What brought you to the information? YOU did. Forget all your other answers, they are wrong wrong wrong. YOU chose, opted, volunteered nay insisted on clicking on my link.

I did NOT make you do it. To the very best of my knowledge no one else did either.

So before you begin your tirade, bare in mind who caused this.

You did.

So, if you can cope with that, the first lesson you have learnt is y0u are responsible for your own actions. Sounds obvious, but sometimes you just need to slow down, calm down and think.

2. What Is A Secret?

A secret's integrity is corrupted the moment it is shared. The meter is already running on it's life as 'a thing that others don't know'.

The Football Club Chairman tells his dry cleaner. His Dry cleaner tells his brother. His brother tells Fathead who runs a forum. Does Fathead think he's able to put the Genie back in the bottle? Did the Dry leaner die that night? Did the Chairman 100% and I mean 100% tell no one else? He told his fucking dry cleaner for fucksake.

So the secret information the Forum had was at best third hand by the time they got it and about as secret as Dale Winton's sexual preferences.

3. Good Faith Part One

At 5pm on Friday, the chatty Chairman tells his dry cleaner he will sign Carlos Kickaball next week. Nailed on. FC Los Leaders don't want him and he fancies the smog of ole London town. The medical is booked Monday at 10am. Nailed on.

Over the weekend Carlos is told by his wife and ten kids and her mother he's going nowhere. Simultaneously the phone goes and his chairman says he's had a change of heart. How does an extra 27 million a week and the captain's armband sound?

Come Monday the whole done deal is dust and bones.

4. Good Faith Part Two

Do you have a receipt?

You're hopping up and down telling me a transfer tip you were given for free 'on the Internet' didn't materialise and you're acting like an outraged consumer.

You produce a reciept and I'll give you a refund and a gilt edged apology.

No receipt?

Fuck off you timewaster.

5. Wind Ups And The Desire For Hits

This blog has been going for about three years. My judgement on what I run is based upon common sense and readability. I have run the story that Eto was spotted at the Lane because it came from an erstwhile respectable source. It was in hindsight probably rubbish.

I was told by a source I didn't know fron Adam about a transfer out of the Lane and I chose not to run it and it happened.

So my judgement isn't always perfect.

But I do try to get it right.

6. Freedom Of Speech And Thing Called 'Fairness'.

HH has always sought to a) absorb personal abuse himself. b) delete comments sparingly.

All forums on the Internet operate a far stricter policy than this. The results of not adhearing to their rules result in permenant exclusions. Your IP hider won't save you there.

If you are incapable of being fair, you will be deleted. Your rights I gave you were much greater than you were given on any other site and you still blew it.

So in summary, if yo have read all of the above you might, just might be able to say you're a calmer and better person.

If you still feel angry, then I can't help you and moreover I don't actually give a fuck how you are. There is something wrong with you.